Customize Dialog
The Customize dialog is shown when you click the Customize button or choose Options, Customize. Use this dialog to choose what information is included when you print or copy a folder listing, and to set the preferred layout when printing or copying a section of the folder tree.

The options you choose in this dialog are stored and automatically reapplied next time you use PFL.

Folder & File Listings

Include file extensions: If unchecked, file extensions will be removed from the listing.
Include file size: If unchecked, sizes of files will not be included.

Include file attributes: If unchecked, file attributes will not be included.

Include modification date: If unchecked, the last-modified date and time of the file will be excluded.

Include Hidden and System files: If unchecked, files with the Hidden and/or System attribute set will be excluded.

Folder Tree
Use tab indentation (tree style): If this option is selected (default), each item in the tree will be indented to indicate its level within the tree structure.

Don't use tabs (list style): If this option is selected, folders will be formatted as a left-aligned list.

Include full path: When using 'list style' (above), check this option to include the full path of each folder in the list. If unchecked, only the name of each folder will be listed.

Include file count in listings: If checked, the listing will show the number of files contained in each folder.

Include folder size in listings: If checked, the total size of the files in each folder will be shown in the listing.